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We Are Writing a Book!


You are the first to hear this, but my sweet husband and I have an announcement to make....drum roll please, but WE ARE WRITING A BOOK TOGETHER! What the what?!

I know right. Who writes a book in their free time? This guy. We are writing a devotional geared to our friends on the fringe. The people that maybe aren't in the "inner circle" of Christendom - the folks that may not even have a relationship with God at all. Why? Well. Because God loves them. And so do I.

As a lady from a pretty salty past, I've always had an affinity for my friends on the outside. Let's face it. I married my sweet husband, Evan, the guy that is so quiet that sometimes people can leave and not remember if they ever heard him talking the entire time. The guy who is more content hearing his wife basically live-journal at him all day long. The guy that is happy as a clam sitting on the couch and watching things go by. The guy who was a bigger Dungeons and Dragons nerd than I - totes different than who I am as a person.

I love wallflowers. Nerds. Geeks. Weirdos. These are my peeps. I mean come on.....I went for years on end dressing as a pinup girl every single day. I still have the red lipsticks and tattoos - but I can't fit into any of the clothing I used to wear. Whoops. I homemade clothing for the renaissance fair for 5 years in a row. For the entire family. By hand.

My favorite genre of anything is fantasy (ho

rror fantasy to be exact), my favorite color to wear is black, my favorite music is metal and my favorite people are those that are just on the edge of the crowd. I love them. And this book that we are working on is for you, if you're one of them. Sure - you can read it if you're not, PLEASE DO, but this is for the rest of that salty crew.

Evan has been an artist since before we

even met, even attending VCU's School of Art. He specializes in literally every single art medium. Pastels, oils, charcoal, pencil, pen, watercolor, digital art....this guy is a creative genius - a beast. And there is no one in the world I would rather have illustrate my words.

We will give you more details as we actually have work that is finished and we are proud of - but we really are well on our way. We've got 4 chapters, homies! Keep a lookout for our book - it's (hopefully) gonna rock your socks.

And remember, God totally loves you, all the time.

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